Thursday, October 2, 2008

Adrianne's Wedding!

My good friend Adrianne (who I've been friends with since the 8th grade) got married to Jim on Friday Sept. 26th in Colorado. She asked Tyson to be the ring bearer! It was so cute!
This is the HOT bride!! WOOOHOOOO! Aye mommy!
Tyson was very tired after doing his duty of putting his tux on. He fell asleep before we even took any pictures.
This is Grace (the flower girl) and Tyson. What would two 3-year olds do when they are dressed up so nice? HMM maybe we should lay in the grass and color? Sounds good to me!
This is Tyson during the ceremony giving me his version of a thumbs up. Too bad I didn't get a picture of when he picked his nose in front of the whole congragation!


Coley said...

It is to bad you didn't get a picture of him picking his nose, that would be awesome for him to look back on. Dang he looks like an italian stallion!

corniafamily said...

I love Tyson so much that kid is always making me laugh!!!